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By purchasing this product, you will get access to the Information Mapping Associate (IMA) Certification Exam on the Information Mapping Academy.
About the Exam
The Information Mapping Associate Certification Exam consists of 20 multiple-choice questions randomly chosen out of a large pool of questions. You need to get 14 points out of 20 or 70% in order to pass the exam. The questions focus on the fundamental concepts and principles of the Information Mapping Methodology, such as the research-based principles, information types, units of information and presentation modes.
Validity of the Information Mapping Associate Certification
Your Information Mapping Associate Certificate is valid for 3 years from the date you pass the Information Mapping Associate Certification Exam. After 3 years, you have to be recertified as an Information Mapping Associate. This way, you can prove that you are still up-to-date with the Information Mapping Methodology and its latest updates.