IMA Certification Exam

By purchasing this product, you will get access to the Information Mapping® Associate™ (IMA) Certification Exam on the Information Mapping Academy.


About the Exam

The Information Mapping® Associate™ Certification Exam consists of 20 multiple-choice questions randomly chosen out of a large pool of questions. You need to get 14 points out of 20 or 70% in order to pass the exam. The questions focus on the fundamental concepts and principles of the Information Mapping® Methodology, such as the research-based principles, information types, units of information and presentation modes.

Validity of the Information Mapping® Associate™ Certification

Your Information Mapping® Associate™ Certificate is valid for 3 years from the date you pass the Information Mapping® Associate™ Certification Exam. After 3 years, you have to be recertified as an Information Mapping® Associate™. This way, you can prove that you are still up-to-date with the Information Mapping®Methodology and its latest updates.